Welcome to SEEK 2025. Can you believe, it is already that time of year again? Once again, we pause as a collective church family to seek the face of God, through our SEEK fast. We are thrilled to embark on this spiritual journey with you, as we collectively seek the face of God and deepen our relationship with him. Whether this is your first time fasting or if fasting is frequently a part of your spiritual discipline, I pray this fast would be a significant milestone in your spiritual journey.
This year, our theme is “iThirst,” inspired by the longing for a closer connection with our Creator, as expressed in Psalm 42:1-2 “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?”
Over the next 21 days, we will engage in a transformative experience through fasting, prayer, and reflection. Each day, you will find a devotional message from a diverse group of spiritual leaders, designed to guide you in your personal journey of seeking God. These messages are complemented by journal reflections and prayers to help you capture your thoughts and experiences.
You can read more about the fast here.
Please complete the registration form below to let us know how you will be participating in this fast !