About Men's Ministry
Purpose: Our purpose as Men’s Ministry is to assist the church in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Objective: Our objective is to empower men for service through education and involvement in missions and ministries.
Strategy Statement: Strong men strengthen families. Strong families strengthen the church. A strong church reaches the community. A Godly community affects this dying world for God’s kingdom. An intentional ministry designed to reach men for Christ will help a church not only reach men, but also reach and strengthen their families.

Create an environment in which men will respond to God’s call for salvation and service. To become Christians of Acts 1:8.
“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria,and to the end of the earth.” — Acts 1:8 (NKJV)
Honour the Great Commission and Commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ through our personal lives.
“Men taking their rightful place in the church”
Ministry Highlights
Outreach/Evangelism Coordinator
- Focus on bringing men to salvation and church membership
- Equip men to effectively share their testimony
- Assure that the Men’s Ministry’s purpose is understood by all participants
Spiritual Growth Coordinator
- Provide opportunities for men of the church to develop into mature and faithful Christians
- Plan a Men’s Retreat where spiritual growth is emphasised
Missions/Ministry Coordinator
- Identify mission needs, plan, promote and execute mission activities.
- Encourage the men to utilize their spiritual gifts by engaging in missions and ministry.
Ministry Team
Euclin Eubanks (Leader), John Thomas, Marcel Palmer, Odare Johnson, and Elerton Johnson.
Contact and Meeting Time Information
Email: mensministry@northparkwc.org; eubanksel@yahoo.com
Contact Info: 416-520-5941 (Euclin Eubanks)
Meeting Time: Every 4th Saturday at 5:30 PM via Zoom. Contact the ministry leader for the passcode.