About Church Bus Ministry
From its inception, the Bus Ministry has impacted the growth of North Park. It played a key role in the grassroots mission that led to the establishment of the church in Brampton.

The Bus Ministry provides reliable and safe transport to members and visitors to the church or ministry-related events.
- To provide transportation for individuals especially children, seniors, families, visitors and new Canadians who would be unable to attend
- To facilitate the transportation requests to ensure timely arrival and departure
- To support North Park’s attendance to local and national events
Ministry Highlights
History of the Bus Ministry
The Bus Ministry began in the late 70s with Rupert Miller transporting Sunday Schools students to the home of Oscar and Lena Green for instruction in the Word. In the 80s, Keith Dennis was added to the team. The church had to respond to the growing need for reliable transportation for the increasing number of children interested in attending Sunday School.
In the 1990s, with Church of God of Prophecy, Brampton, firmly established, Deacon Dorrel McDonald and Deacon Stanford Hartwell responded to the call to provide transportation for individuals.
Deacons McDonald and Hartwell continued to serve faithfully, selflessly and sacrificially in the role of church bus drivers for many years. Sometimes, it was challenging to meet all the requests. In response to the growing need, the church operated two buses for several years and Durant Thompson was added to assist with the driving. Given the growth of the ministry, more staff was needed and Sheila Williams was appointed to co-ordinate the pick-ups and drop-offs.
However, the Bus Ministry expanded beyond just pick-ups and drop-offs. Additionally, students of Maranatha Christian Academy (MCA), were transported to various extracurricular activities, members and visitors were taken to retreats, conventions and ministry sponsored out of town activities.
In 2017, the church acquired a new bus and retired the two older vehicles. Shortly afterwards, Deacon Ricardo Alexander joined the team and became the sole driver. With the increasing demand for the services of the Bus Ministry, it is necessary for him to make two trips to church on Sunday mornings. His dedication to the Bus Ministry continues to make this ministry a viable part of our ministry at North Park.
The North Park family is greatly appreciative for its impact on the church. We recognize that providing access to services is key to our outreach to members, visitors and the community.
Ministry Team
Ricardo Alexander, Dorrel McDonald, Stanford Hartwell, Sheila Williams, and Hylton Cummings.
Contact and Meeting Time Information
Email: busministry@northparkwc.org
Contact Info: (905) 450-7554
Meeting Time: Every 4th Saturday at 5:30 PM via Zoom. Contact the ministry leader for the passcode.
Social Links
- Bus